Mersey Roads 24 hour

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If You have never been to a National Championship this is the one you should go to. Why?

The logistics of staging a time trial over 24 hours is mind blowing but the Mersey Roads and the Williams family do it every July.  

Not only is it a huge task to ensure there are enough marshals in place to cover the event but then to have to revise the course 24 hours before the start would have most organisers pulling their hair out.








This is exactly what happened this year and has also happened on a previous occasion.  Ongoing roadworks meant the large circuit could not be used and riders were moved onto another adjoining circuit.  The riders, marshals, timekeepers etc were informed and the event went like clockwork.  It was unfortunate that the weather was not so co-operative.  Nevertheless, marshals remained in place throughout strong winds and almost continuous rainfall.

Even though almost half the field had packed because of the conditions the atmosphere at the headquarters was brilliant.  There were a lot of tired bodies but also a lot of happy faces.  Testament as to how well the event is run that the main prizewinners received their medals and were presented with their trophies only a couple of hours after the event had finished.

Congratulations to the Williams family and all the helpers who made the event such a success.

Put the event in your diary for 2023!